27.2 Vetting date validity checks

If you have configured MyID to prevent issuance of credentials to users who have not passed their identity checks (see section 27.1, User Data Approved checks) you may also want to configure MyID to check that these identity checks are still valid; your organization may require that checks are carried out again at defined intervals.

27.2.1 Setting the vetting date validity period

The vetting date validity period determines how long a person's identity checks remain valid. By default, this is 0; the validity check is not enforced. You can change this to a value of, for example, 2190 days – this is approximately six years, not counting leap years.

To configure the vetting date validity period:

  1. From the Configuration category, select Operation Settings.
  2. Click the Identity Checks tab.
  3. Set the following option:

    • Vetting Date Validity Period

      This is the number of days that a person's identity checks remain valid.

      Setting this option to 0 disables the validity check.

  4. Click Save changes.

27.2.2 The vetting date job processor

Once a day, the MyID server runs a job to check whether the identity check for each person in the system has expired.

By default the job runs for the first time on installation, and then at intervals of one day after each job run has completed. To configure the interval at which the job runs, or to change the run time, you must update the database. Contact customer support quoting reference SUP-331 for details.